Make Your Thoughts Different

                                    What you mean by writing?

“Our hands are connected to our Mind. In other hand, Mind is the root of hands.

The minds help us to write by using our hands.”

“Our eyes are connected to our Mind. In other hand, Mind is the root of eyes.
The minds help us to read by using our eyes.”

                                                                        In the ultra modern World, importance of writing and reading has made the society very much Alive. The extensive use of online for writing the media has transformed the World into a big platform.
                                                                  Writing is a presentation, which is used to reveals something else. In the multimedia, logic along with creative writing is used to put together the text more vivid and presentable.
                                                        India occupies a strategic or tactical position in Asia. It has many languages. There are many religious communities like Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, paresis, Janis, and so forth. In addition, it has different customs and habits. As far as I’m concern, strange to say that Kerala has occupied a strategic position in Education.

Keep on read.....

Why a child of God ought to keep on reading the Bible/Word of GOD?
“This post not only for the Christians and also for the other religious such as Hindu, Muslim and so on“

                   If you have a temptation on reading the BIBLE/Word of GOD
 in that time you  have to read. Why that because, when you are reading the word of God
 you got a temptation from Satan to do another thing such as wrong thing, lust of flesh, 
you having many work to finish about the office (about the men), many works in kitchen 
(about the women), you are having homework to do (about the students belongs to college 
or school) don’t mind these all things because all these are not from the GOD but from Satan.
                                               When you are fall love with reading the BIBLE keep on it, and
make a strong connection with GOD then the Word of GOD will stands as a Wall against 
the temptation of Satan. The dark (Satan) cannot cover the light (GOD) in John 1:5 say 
that:-And the light shined in darkness, and the Darkness did not comprehend”. Then the
GOD’S grace will come unto you and you will be blessed in the name of Holy Ghost. Praise
the Lord, if you are keep on reading the BIBLE over day and night don’t stop keep on it, 
then you will understand there is no Satan or there is no connection with Satan in you but
you have a connection only with the mighty hand/GOD. 
                                                                 Satan cannot tempt you when you have a connection with 
GOD that’s why a child of GOD ought to keep on reading the Word of GOD/BIBLE.


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